Whether you fly to Teterboro regularly or only occasionally, you should be aware of these four simple steps to the KTEB RUUDY 6 departure. It will help avoid altitude deviations, which we at the ACSF see regularly with our Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) reports.
To further educate operators, the Teterboro Users Group (TUG) developed a “one-pager” on the RUUDY 6. Please download and review the PDF file prior to departing Teterboro.
The four steps for a KTEB RUUDY 6 Departure:
- Climb heading 240° to 520’, then direct DAVIM
- Then on track 262° to cross WENTZ at 1500’
- Then on track 283° to RUUDY climbing to 2000’
- Then on heading 280° unless instructed otherwise by ATC
Additionally, there are three important considerations to note for operators:
- Making the turn to WENTZ achieves lateral divergence from the overhead Newark ILS RWY 22L arrival path.
- Crossing WENTZ at 1500’ achieves vertical separation from overhead arrivals that are descending to 2500’. 3
- The minimum vectoring altitude in the area is 2000’ (hence the requirement to climb to 2000’ after crossing WENTZ at 1500’).
The FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) sent out Notice Number: NOTC2445 with the TUG one-pager:
Due to the high number of Pilot Deviations on the KTEB RUUDY 6 SID or the ILS/RNAV 19 missed approach creating a hazard with KEWR arrivals, the following aids have been created to help mitigate the issues. It is essential for pilots to follow the procedures both laterally and vertically. Please note that the first altitude level off is 1500 on the SID, and also the missed approach for the ILS/RNAV 19.