Flight Department Seeks Out ACSF Registered Operators

Alexandria, VA, September 12, 2011 — Corporate flight departments are seeking out operators that are listed on the Air Charter Safety Foundation (ACSF) Industry Audit Standard (IAS) Registry. The ACSF audit standard, recognized by on-demand charter operators and fractional ownership companies as the most comprehensive audit standard for the industry, is now being looked at by corporate flight departments as the standard to use when seeking vendors to provide supplemental lift.

“After looking at various audit standards, we decided to use operators on the Air Charter Safety Foundation audit registry to provide our charter services,” said Dick Flygare, director of special projects with QEP Resources. “The ACSF standard is one of the most rigorous standards we’ve come across and holds charter operators to the highest standard of safety and best practices. We only use the best in the business!”

QEP Resources is a leading independent natural gas and oil exploration and production company in Denver, Colorado, with operations focused in the Rocky Mountain and Midcontinent regions of the United States. Mayo Aviation, an ACSF audit registered company, was recently selected by QEP to provide supplemental lift services

The IAS is a universal audit standard developed specifically for on-demand charter operators and fractional aircraft management companies to accomplish two key functions – to verify compliance with regulatory requirements and to evaluate the level of compliance with recognized safety management system (SMS) standards. The ACSF audit process and registry were developed to position an operator, through a single audit, to gain world-wide recognition of its SMS program.

Before scheduling an on-site audit, the ACSF IAS requires an operator to complete a pre-audit checklist, which enables the operator to gauge, before any payment is tendered, whether they are ready to proceed with an audit and how well they will perform during the audit.

Supporting materials are available at acsfdev.com/audit. Operators wishing to initiate the audit process should contact Russ Lawton or Alison McHugh at 1-888-SAFE-135 (888-723-3135).