The Importance of a Flight Data Monitoring System

Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) is becoming a best practice for business aircraft operators, but it is often costly to implement. For years, FDM programs have mostly benefited medium-to-large cabin aircraft operators – that is, those operators with bigger budgets, and/or whose equipment comes built-in with FDM-capable devices. This limited range leaves operators of piston, turbo- […]
P-FOQA Offers Lower-cost Safety Analysis

FOQA or flight operations (or operational) quality assurance is a buzzword in aviation, promising safety benefits based on analysis of flight data to identify issues and trends that are headed in the wrong direction. Many flight operations use SOPs (standard operating procedures or practices) to establish consistency in flying and consequently improved safety. But how […]
NTSB Roundtable Highlights Benefits of Using FDM

The benefits of flight data monitoring (FDM) systems were examined in depth during the NTSB Roundtable at the 2022 NBAA Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (NBAA-BACE). Citing Boeing’s definition of FDM as “objective analysis of aircraft operational systems that provide actionable data for continuous improvement,” panel moderator NTSB Vice Chair Bruce Landsberg noted that such […]
Runway Excursions Examined at Safety Summit

Runway excursions are trending upward significantly, but new approaches to go-around decision-making can reduce such mishaps. This is information that safety experts reported in May at the Flight Safety Foundation’s 2022 Business Aviation Safety Summit (BASS) in Savannah, Georgia. More than 60 years of accident data show runway excursions have accounted for 30 percent of […]
Nonprofit Offers Affordable SMS Service to HAI Operator Members

The Air Charter Safety Foundation (ACSF) was founded as a nonprofit organization in 2008 with a mission to lead and support the advancement of the highest aviation safety standards. By sharing information and resources, the foundation helps personal and business aviation entities provide safe operations. SAFETY IS JOB NO. 1 The ACSF is run by […]
Flight Data Monitoring’s Path Forward: Safety Plus Sustainability

What is flight data monitoring? How does it tie into your existing safety management system? This article by James McKenna at the explains Flight data analysis providers are expanding their portfolios of services to help aircraft operators derive more value from the flood of information streaming off their flights every day. Companies like GE […]
VIDEO: ASAP for Helicopter Operators

HAI’s Director of Safety Chris Hill talks to the ACSF’s President, Bryan Burns, about the ACSF’s Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) for helicopter operators. The following video was filmed in March, 2022 at the HELI-EXPO 2022 in Dallas, Texas. Below is a modified transcript of the video: Chris Hill: Hi, I’m Chris Hill, the Director of […]
ACSF Symposium Highlights Positive Work Culture Issues

As aviation reporting programs continue to expand as a key means to elevate safety, so too has the need for positive cultures to ensure the success of such programs, according to speakers at the recent 14th annual Air Charter Safety Foundation Safety Symposium. Workplace culture was among several safety themes highlighted during the two-day symposium […]
Ten Steps to Safer Charter

When your aircraft is down for maintenance or you have executives traveling in different directions at the same time, you may have need for supplemental lift. While legality checks, Safety Management Systems (SMS), third-party audits, and data sharing are all key indicators of an operator’s embrace of safety best practices, here are ten specific questions […]
Avemex is the First Non-US Operator to Complete the ACSF IAS

Avemex has completed its IAS certification, the first to do so outside the US. Avemex is an aircraft management and charter firm with 22 aircraft, an exclusive representative of Honda and Quest in Mexico. “Avemex was interested in obtaining the ACSF Industry Audit Standard so as to evaluate all our internal processes and procedures with […]