FltPlan.com, in conjunction with the Air Charter Safety Foundation (ACSF), will be adding new functionality to be compatible with the ACSF Industry Audit Standard (IAS).
The ACSF’s IAS is a program built to set the standard for independent evaluation of a Part 135 air charter operator’s or Part 91K shared ownership company’s safety and regulatory compliance.
When asked why the ACSF Industry Audit Standard, FltPlan.com President Ken Wilson replied, “ACSF members and the charter community have expressed concern that their companies are currently subject to numerous audits by third-party aviation auditing companies on behalf of consumers. The preparation for these audits has resulted in a significant increase in both staff time and resources.”
“The aviation community has evolved to the point that change in the standards and audit processes is required if the industry is to keep pace with the demands of the marketplace,” stated Air Charter Safety Foundation President Bryan Burns. “One of the more significant demands is the release and eventual mandatory implementation of a Safety Management Systems (SMS) standard by both FAA and ICAO.”
The ACSF has worked closely with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and international interests to ensure that its audit standard will accomplish two key functions: first, to verify compliance with regulatory requirements and secondly, to evaluate the level of compliance with recognized SMS standards.
All documents, including the Pre-Audit Self-Assessment Checklist, are available at no charge at /audit. For more information about the Industry Audit Standard, or to schedule your audit, please contact Russ Lawton at audit@acsf.aero or call the ACSF toll-free at 1-888-SAFE-135.
FltPlan.com’s SMS system is already being used by hundreds of companies to help meet SMS requirements for large and turbojet aircraft and obtain IS-BAO registration. The FltPlan.com program is also recognized by safety auditors as one of the easiest and best means for operators to comply with SMS requirements.
For more info, please see: http://www.fltsafety.com/SMSinfo.htm.